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Johann Wenzel Stamitz 1717 - 1757


The world-famous Czech composer, conductor and violinist of the period of early classicism. Born in Havlíčkův Brod (former Deutschbrod), Czech Republic. He learned the fundamentals of music from his father I. A. Stamic, organist, conductor and composer of Brod church. At age 24 he met with his first great success in Frankfurt on the occasion of the coronation of Emperor Charles VI. He then took a job at the court of Karl Theodor in Mannheim.

His work contains 50 symphonic pieces, a lot of violin concertos and many chamber pieces. In his symphonic works he has achieved a new musical style. The best Stamic contribution to the world of music is his reform of the common style of orchestral work. He used new instruments and started using the individual dynamics of each instrument.

He died at age 40 and is buried in Mannheim, Germany.
